Silicon Apps and Games Privacy Policy

The terms in this Privacy Policy govern the manner in which Silicon Apps and Games collects and uses any information you (Users) provide in connection with any Silicon Apps and Games game or Application (Hereinafter, "Services"). This Privacy Policy applies to all Services offered by Silicon Apps and Games. By using our Services, Users agree to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Silicon Apps and Games may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time; therefore, Users are encouraged to consult the Privacy Policy regularly.

Personal identification information
When you install our apps and games, we may collect and record information to enhance the experience and benefits of using our Services. We will collect personal public information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us through our Services. Users can always refuse to supply personal information. In said case, Users should avoid using social network features such as Sharing and Friend invite requests.

Non-personal identification information
We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Services. Said information includes —but is not limited to— device type, brand and model, Android OS version, unique device identifiers, location and country.

Personal Information
Personal information collected in accordance with our Services may vary depending on the activity and may include: social networking basic profile information (Apps have a basic connection to a user's Facebook account to ask for permission to post on the user's behalf or to read other fields from the user's timeline or their friends' timelines), Request read permissions (to fill the stream with photos, the user must grant the app two "read permissions" that let the app read the user's photos and their friends' photos), Request publish permissions (the user must grant the app a "publish permission" to share photos).

Access through Social Network Services or Mobile Devices
By accessing the Services through a social network, or mobile device, Users are authorizing Play 365 to collect, store, and use in accordance with this Privacy Policy any and all information that they agreed the social network, mobile device platform could provide to Silicon Apps and Games through the social network/mobile device. Their agreement takes place when they connect with the third party network, platform or service via the Services, and/or when you connect with the Services, or “accept” or “allow” (or similar terms) Services to access your information through a social network, OR mobile device or other third party platform or service. Silicon Apps and Games may also collect or receive information about you from other Services Users who choose to upload their email contacts. This information will be stored by Silicon Apps and Games and used primarily to help Users and their friends connect.

Information Usage
Silicon Apps and Games may collect and use Users personal information for the following purposes:

To improve customer service

Information Users provide helps us respond to comments, support needs, and customer service requests more efficiently.

To personalize user experience

We may use information in the aggregate to understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources provided by our Services. In addition, the personal information Users provide will allow Silicon Apps and Games to send them messages regarding, among other things, new products, features, enhancements, special offers, upgrade opportunities, contests and other events of their interest. Users may also later opt out of these communications by sending us an email or simply just by uninstalling our Services.

Permissions that may use sensitive information
The following is a detailed list of permissions —and the way in which we implement them— that we use and that may use sensitive information:


We use these permissions in some games or apps to save captured images of the game on the SD and read them to provide sharing options to the user (as in iCocktail Drinks). We also may use the read permission in some games to improve users experience and let them import images from their devices for change the characters skins (as in Head Football World Cup).


We use this permission in some flashlight apps like “Flashlight Free” or “LED Flashlight ULTRA Bright” for accessing to the flash hardware of the dispositive and use it for the flashlight feature of the app. Also we may include this permission in other games like “Head Football World Cup” to let the user take a photo from him and use it as an avatar inside the game. We do not share or send the photos taken from the user to any server or third party service with anyone, only the user of the game is able to see the photos taken inside it.


We use this permission in some games to let the user record the voice and play it again in different contexts inside the game. We do not share or send this recordings by any method or service with anyone, only the user of the game is able to reproduce it inside it.

Sharing your personal information
We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others. The sole exception to this is personal information that is required by law enforcement authorities or similar organizations in case of a criminal investigation, prevention of fraud or criminal activities, infringement of intellectual property rights, or other illegal activities that may expose users or Play 365 to legal liability.

The Service can offer several integrations with sharing services and other tools (like Google +1 button, Facebook Like button, among others), that can be used to share information and actions Users make while interacting with our Service. Also we may integrate in our Games competitive services for sharing Scores and Achievement between players, like Google Play Games Services or others. The use of the previous services and tools is a free choice of each user. It's not necessary to use our Services. The social features that each User agreed to use enables the sharing of information with other contacts or the general public, depending on the configuration options the entity provides. For more information about the purpose and scope of data collection and processing in connection with social sharing features, please visit the privacy policies of the entities that provide these features.

Analytics, Advertising and Other Services Provided by Other Companies
We may allow other third parties companies to serve advertisements in our Services, provide analytics services or other services for the Users experience. These companies may use cookies, web beacons, Users account information (that Users set up with these companies) and other techniques to collect information about you on our Services or other online services, like IP addresses, identifiers of your mobile device, installed package information, conversion information, browsers usage and pages you have visited. This information may be used to deliver advertising and content according the Users interests, better understand of the Services usage from the Users and analyzing and tracking data. These third party companies may also share this information with their customers and clients. This Privacy Policy does not apply to, and we are not responsible for, third-party cookies, web beacons, or other tracking technologies.

For better information of how these companies use the information you should review their policies and contact them directly.










Google Analytics:

Acceptance of the terms
By using Play 365 games and Apps, you agree to the terms of this policy. If you do not accept the terms in this policy, please do not use our games and Apps. The continued use of our products after any amendment of this privacy policy will be deemed your acceptance of the changes and/or new terms.

Contacting us
For any questions about this Privacy Policy or any other issue please contact Silicon Apps and Games at:


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